About the site

About the author

I have been developing websites since 1997. I actually survived the browser wars, which lead me to believe in the necessity of web standards, that I discovered early on with CSS 1.

Getting to know me better is very easy, simply write to me.


My Journal is a work in prgress.

I write articles about web development and web technologies in general, as I learn new things and gain experience.

I chose not to extend beyond those topics (personal events, political views, etc.) as I found that off-topic posts on the technical weblogs I read on a daily basis are a bore.


I fill the gaps in my hectic schedule by translating technical documents pertaining to web technologies, web standards or whichever subjects tickle my fancy.

More in the Translations section.

You can suggest a translation.


This part hosts various tests and experiments in HTML, CSS, PHP and other web technologies. You can freely browse this ever-evolving tree.

If you encounter a problem or have a question about something on these pages, I am always available to help you.

Standards: which (X)HTML?

The site uses PHP for content negociation. This means according to what your browser can handle pages are sent either as XHTML 1.1, with the appropriate DOCTYPE and the MIME type application/xhtml+xml, or as XHTML 1.0 strict served as text/html. In the first case, stylesheets are imported using XML processing instructions. In both cases the encoding is UTF-8.

Your browser received: application/xhtml+xml.

There would be no need for content negociation were the site written in HTML 4.01 (which could very well be done). Choosing XHTML 1.1 is only a way to experiment with this standard, live. On commercial projects I usually choose in favor of HTML 4.01 strict.

If none of this makes sense to you, you most probably don’t need it anyway (but don’t hesitate to ask).


All the pages of this site are validated against the W3C validators for markup (structure) and for the stylesheet (presentation). Moreover each page has an individual link in the footer to both validators to check conformity.

The validity of Atom 1.0 and RSS 2.0 feeds is checked regularly.